Children's Chat
Julie Carter During the Children's Chat, learn about how the quilts benfit F.O.R.O. (Friends of Russian Orphans).
Director of Christian Education
Here at First United Methodist Church, we provide Christian Education for all ages, from infant through adults. We have Christian Education for all ages on Sundays at 10:00AM. We have adult Bible Studies at various times during the week such as Disciple and Quilting Bible Studies. We also have Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) who go on retreats, mission trips and weekly meetings for fun and of course food!
even for the little ones Sunday School for kids Sunday School is for adults too!
During our church services, little ones are taken care of with snacks!
At Jr. Church - children make crafts to hand out for Easter to the members of our congregation. Christian Education for adults varies from being a Christian parent to Christian in the workplace.

Site created by Katie Youngpeter

May 2004